Tuesday, June 28, 2011

National DID Coverage for Australia

We are pleased to introduce expanded national DID number coverage for Australia.

The new Australian virtual numbers are all enabled with 10 incoming channels by default and support t.38 fax protocol.

Australian DID are priced at 5.40 euro per month.

Friday, June 10, 2011

mydivert.com customer testimonial

Customer Testimonial from Nabu Media Ltd, a media company based in Dublin Ireland

Hi there,

Just to let you know, lousy Skype quality in recent weeks drove me to look for an alternative. A happy 'calls-in' customer with you for many months already I decided today to configure MyDivert for SIP 'calls out'. Your guide page and SIP phone recommendations as well as the well designed account UI made the whole thing easy.

Audio quality seems better than Skype. Rates are good. Well done.

If you ever need a 'happy customer' testimonial I'd be glad to oblige.

Best regards,
David Cogan

Nabu Media Ltd

Thank you David for your email and feedback.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

New Call Rates - June 2011

We are pleased to introduce our new call rates plan for June 2011.

Many destinations are now cheaper than ever to call. Please check our Call Rates page for charges to all destinations.