Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Caller ID settings improved

We have enabled new options for the setting of Caller ID number (CID) on outbound calls. Users can now choose 'CID set by user device' to pass their own CID for outbound calls.

The new feature is intended for pbx users of our sip trunking service where outbound CID needs to be set for individual calls. We have also updated our website FAQ with some information regarding setting CID.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Mapping Server

Our new mapping server is now in production use following a 2 month testing period. The new server provides us with a SIP URI mapping API for DID numbers where the originating vendor cannot supply such functionality.

Users who have previously bought Russian, Thai, and Malaysian DID that were not integrated into the mapping API can now request modifications if they wish to use custom SIP URI mappings. Please contact support.

Server Specification
Asterisk 1.6 with Asterisk Realtime on Centos 5.4
Processors: Intel® Core™ i7-975 Quad-Core
Memory: 12 GB DDR3 RAM
Conectivity: 92 GBit Bandwidth

Monday, March 29, 2010

User Registration rules expected for Moscow DID

Various government agencies in Russia had emergency sessions following the terrorist acts in Mosscow earlier today. In connection with the tragic events in Moscow this morning claiming the lives of many people, the Communication ministry, Immigration ministry and various special law-enforcement agencies will be conducting a review of all telco carriers, fixed and mobile.

Much stricter requirements are expected to take effect immediately regarding DID number registrations. During the course of massive, industry-wide investigation, CLECs and alternative carriers might be asked for subscriber data in an urgent, non-court fashion.

We have been notified that readiness to provide complete and true data to law enforcement officers is essential to prevent potential problems. We expect that users may be asked to provide:

- Full customer name and email address
- Address
- A scan of photo ID and/or proof of address may be requested